How are your prints made?

  • All prints are made by PurePhoto using select partners, which are the top professional labs around the globe.  Prints are typically pigment prints on archival papers using strict guidelines.

When will I receive my order?

  • Prints take 5-7 business days to produce. Once your order is ready it will be shipped using your chosen shipping method.

What if I encounter a problem with a print?

  • With proper documentation and returning the print, we will replace it. If it happens in shipping we will do our best to resolve the issue but it is your responsibility to take care of the print when it arrives.

Do you offer framing?

  • Yes, if you are interested in having your prints framed please let us know. We are more than happy to accommodate. All prints ship unframed but we provide options for wood frames, matting, shadowboxing, and acrylic face mounting.